#sed -n 1~2p #sed -n 1~2p -f umbrella > sedTest #cut | sort #du -hd1 disk usage harddrive1 #tar cf archive.tar my_files_dir #tape archive , create an archive, put in a file, name_of_file, directory_of_files_2b_archived #tar flags: #tf #look in #xf #extract #tar xf archive.tar -C Downloads/ #or (xzf) for archive.tar.gz #!/bin/bash provider="Hostinger" echo 'The best hosting provider is $provider' echo "The best hosting provider is $provider" # the shebang at the top tells the OS to use the bash interpreter # as the command line interpreter # creates, and echoes a variable # create a file called read.sh, save below #!/bin/bash echo "What is your age?" read age echo "Wow, you look younger than $age years old" ###################### SELECT name, (100.0*length(rawdata))/sz FROM zip ORDER BY 2; # this line shows the compression efficiency (expressed as size of the compressed content, relative to uncompressed file size) for all files in the zip archive, sorted by most compressed data to least compressed. # make an archival copy of a database: sqlite3 ex1 .dump | gzip -c >ex1.dump.gz #####################